Office Space Listings
33 West 36th Street Commercial Loft
Office for Lease
4,400 SF

The following listing is located in the Garment District near Penn Plaza between 5th and 6th avenue within a well maintained 13-story B-class Mid-rise commercial building with an attended lobby. The loft contains light hardwood floors, high exposed beamed ceilings, new lights, brushed aluminium duct-work, new HVAC (tenant controlled), a pantry, some closets (4), and two single occupant restrooms. The whole of the unit has been confirgured into an open layout with some rounded columns that are well spaced towards the front and rear of the loft. In addition this space also boasts direct elevator entry onto your space with the added perk of a dedicated freight elevator. This loft also benefits stylistically from it's original red brick walls, helping to give this space an industrial-like chic feel. Double hung windows can be found at both ends of the space as well - all are operable and in good condition. Large open views provide a good amount of natural light at the front which over look 36th street. This commercial property was recently renovated by adding a new lobby, new windows, new elevators and a state of the art boiler. This is a great loft for a Showroom that would benefit from such a close proximity to both industry partners and the westside commercial corridor which has great access in and out of Manhattan via the westside highway...
Available Sizes: 4,400 SF | $43 PSF
email Jonathan for more details | view floor plans
38th Street Commercial Space
Seventh Avenue Medical Office
10,000 SF Divisible Negotiable

This full floor office is now move-in ready, can be subdivided or shared. The space herein features (8) perimeter private offices, (2) conference rooms (seats 6 & 10), a wet pantry (seats 8), all within a open, sunny, and bright space. The private offices within are glass partitioned as well as the conference rooms which help spread the light to the interior sections of the space. The interior of the space has ample room and has been confirgured into an open layout that can seat a staff of 60 to 80 workstations. The space comes fully furnished with appealing decor though the landlord will remove furniture if requested. In total this listings offers high quality offices pre-built with tons of work space in an efficient setup. The landlord just dropped his prices, and is willing to negotiate customizations to fit the new tenants needs perfectly; 5+ Year Lease term is available. This is an ideal for Architect, Creative, Marketing, or Tech Support Call Center.
Available Sizes: 10,000 SF
email Jonthan for more details
About the Garment District
The Garment District is a neighborhood of the New York City borough of Manhattan, located between Fifth and Ninth Avenues from 34th to 42nd Street. It has been known since the early 20th century as the center for fashion design and manufacturing in the United States.
The Garment District is the fashion center of New York City. Approximately one square mile in area, the district is bordered by the Javits Convention Center at the extreme west, the New York General Post Office, Penn Station, and Madison Square Garden in the center, and the Empire State Building in the east. The neighborhood is home to the warehouses and workshops of the fashion industry.
A large proportion of buildings in the Garment District is commerical and light industrial. The area is home to one of the biggest department stores in the country (Macy's), a gigantic sound and video professional store (B&H), General Post Office, not to mention humongous Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Penn Station, and Madison Square Garden Center.
On February 14, 2007 Planning Commission Chairman Amanda Burden announced that the city would soon unveil its plans for easing zoning rules in the Garment Center that would allow landlords to convert long-standing manufacturing space into Class B and Class C offices. The proposed rezoning would cover an area extending from Broadway to Ninth Avenue and between Times Square and Penn Station.
For further information about specific spaces and buildings in the area, call Prime Manhattan Realty at (212) 268-8043. We will find the perfect space for your needs at no cost! We will help to negotiate you an ideal lease agreement that will save you money and time.
Locale Subway
6th Avenue Lines - A, C, E / B, D, F, V/ 1, 2, 3, 9
/ N, R, Q, W
Post Office
The General Post Office, 33rd Street & Eight Avenue
Police Precinct
NYPD Midtown South Precinct, 357 West 35th Street, New York, NY, 10001
(212) 239-9811
Garment District Landmarks and History
New York first assumed its role as the center of the nation's garment
industry by producing clothes for slaves working on Southern plantations.
It was more efficient for their masters to buy clothes from producers
in New York than to have the slaves spend time and labor making the
clothing themselves. In addition to supplying clothing for slaves, tailors
produced other ready-made garments for sailors and western prospectors
during slack periods in their regular business.
Prior to the mid-nineteenth century, the majority of Americans either made their own clothing, or if they were wealthy, purchased "tailor-made" customized clothing. By the 1820s, however, an increasing number of ready-made garments of a higher quality were being produced for a broader market.
Manufacturing in the state of New York, and in New York City in particular, faded in the late 20th century. This has been exemplified by the decline of the Garment District. The district lost well over a thousand factory jobs per year, and men pushing racks of garments from one workshop to another ceased to crowd the streets. Factories and showrooms are increasingly becoming condo apartments and retail.
Features and Sites of Interest
The Fashion Walk of Fame - the only permanent landmark dedicated
to American fashion
Needle threading a button - at the Fashion Center Business Improvement
District's Information Kiosk
Statue of Ralph Kramden in his bus driver's uniform - outside
the Port Authority building
Greenwich Bank Building
General Post Office