Manhattan Park Avenue Real Estate
About Park Avenue NYC
Park Avenue (formerly Fourth Avenue) is a wide boulevard that carries north and southbound traffic in New York City borough of Manhattan. Throughout most of its length, it runs parallel to Madison Avenue to the west and Lexington Avenue to the east.
The flowers and greenery in the median of Park Avenue are maintained by the Fund for Park Avenue. Begonias are a flower of choice for the Funds gardeners because there is no automatic watering system and they can cope with hot sun.
Each December, Christmas trees are placed in the median. The first time they were erected colored lights were used and accidents occurred because of confusion with traffic signals in front of them. Today only yellow and white lights are used.
For further information about specific spaces and buildings on Manhattan's Park Avenue, call Prime Manhattan Realty at (212) 268-8043. We will find the perfect space for your needs at no cost! We will help to negotiate you an ideal lease agreement that will save you money and time.
Park Avenue Office Space | Park Avenue Commercial Real Estate | Park Avenue Investment Property