New York Commercial Real Estate Deals - November 2013

Below you will find a summary of all the New York City commercial real estate deals done for the month of November 2013. The deals within are listed from largest to smallest in square feet leased or purchased. All below has been compiled from various news outlets such as; The Real Deal and The Commercial Observer.

Landlord / Representative

1633 Broadway
605 Third Avenue
340 Madison Avenue
111 Eighth
25 Broadway
125 Park Ave
11 West 19 floors
315 Hudson St
767 Fifth Ave
32 Sixth Ave
166 Bayard Street
345 Hudson Street
1185 Sixth Ave
135 West 18th Street
810 Seventh Ave
685 Third Ave
1370 Broadway
18 West 18th Street
183 Madison Avenue
1375 Broadway
1407 Broadway
330 Fifth Ave
339 Fifth Ave
202 Canal St
1140 Sixth Ave
1140 Sixth Ave
19 West 34th Street
757 Third Ave
628 Broadway
42 Broadway
516-530 West 25th St
230 West 38th St
470 Park Avenue South
52 Vanderbuilt Ave
152 West 57th St
1220 Water Place
1115 West 18th Street
17 State Street
1140 Sixth Ave
30 Park Ave
527 Madison Ave
527 Madison Ave
170 West 23rd Ave
527 Madison Ave
Metro Center Atrium
134 West 26th St
757 Third Ave
463 Seventh Avenue
263 West 38th St
302 Fifth Ave
19 West 44th St
10 West 33rd Street
485 Seventh Ave
605 Third Avenue
28 West 25th St
1140 Sixth Ave
1140 Sixth Ave
252 West 37th St
589 Eighth Avenue
72 Madison Ave
1115 Broadway
19 West 44th St
32 West 39th St
6 East 39th St
584 Broadway
767 Third Ave
225 West 37th St
67 Irving Place
568 Broadway
10 West 33rd Street
17 State Street
250 West 39th St
568 Broadway
632 Broadway
145 Hudson St
5 White St
215 West 125th Street
530 Broadway
160 Mercer St
13-17 Light St
537 Eigth Ave
10 West 33rd Street
424 West 33rd St
227 West 29th St
511 West 29th St
13 East 37th St
370 Lexington Ave
10 West 33rd Street
485 Seventh Ave
11 East 26th Street
90 John St
1430 Broadway
17 State Street
10 West 33rd Street
237 West 37th St
111 West 1th St
250 West 39th St1,696
231 West 39th Street
231 West 39th Street
358 Fifth Ave
19 West 44th St
250 West 39th S
75 Spring St
202 West 40th st
264 West 40th St
11 East 26th Street
115 West 30th St
225 West 35th St
561 Seventh Ave
133 East 58th St
264 West 40th St
250 West 39th St.
19 West 44th St
434 East 72nd Floor
19 West 44th St
10 West 33rd Street
10 West 33rd Street
118 East 28th St


Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Freiedman
Univision Communications Inc.
Office of the Comptroller of the Cur
Beth Israel Medical Center/R. Martin
WeWork/Derick Ades, WeWork
Meiser Seelig & Fein LLP/Jason Meist
Tory Burch/C&W
U.S. General Services Administration
Resevoir Capital
Dentsu Holdings USA/A. Chudnoff, S.
Cirker's Brooklyn LLC
Command Fincnai Press
Murphy & McCgonigie/D. Levine, D. Fa
Automatic Data Processing
Dragados USA/Marc Miller, Murray, Hi
Integrated Corporate Relations/Kevin
Intradeco Apparel
Mundi Westport Group
Tarte Cosmetics/Robert Kaplan, Hidro
Gogotech II LLC/Joseph Friedman, M
Brightroll Inc./Paul Ferraro, Jones
NICE, Nicosia Creative Expresso/C.
Industrial and Commercial Bank of Ch
Starwood Property Trust/R. Martin G.
CityMD/S. Li, S. Seiler, CBRE
Fresh Planet Inc.
MPA-The Association of Maganize Medi
Chobani/C. Owles, T. Etienne, Silvin
TKO Suites
Highline/Pamela Title, Murray Hill P
Icon Trading/Elliot Warren, Kaufman
Shazam Media Servs./E. Margolin, I.
Parkview International/Silvio Petrie
Children's Corner
C Wonder
National Liability & Fire iInsurance
Dabroes Management/ n/a
Cintra Software & Service Inc./A. So
Long Pond Capital/Daiel Madison Newm
Wunderich Securites/Brian Ha, CBRE
Coskun Brothers/Garden o Eden/ n/a
Meru Capital /n/a
Calvary Hospital
Technisphere/J. McLaughlin, T. Murth
Train, Babcock Advisors LLC/J. Helle
Commit Leather Goods, Inc.
AppBoy Inc./Daniel Lolai, Murray Hil
Social Code LLC/Simone Lillian, Sinv
Communications Media/A. Duryea, T. D
Harvic International LTD
Rosenwasser/Grossman Consulting Engi
Davidoff Hucher & Citron
Suspect Inc./Michelle Stone, Sinvin
King & Grove Hotels/R. Martin, B. La
Bow Street
Construction Risk Partners/John Fitz
AI Media Group/D. O'Donnell, J. Wint
Wedding Aleier/Steve Bodden Sanchez
YG Kitchen & Bath Inc.
Science Fiday/Michael Plavin, Cresa
Rio Apparel nc./Sinoer USA Inc./Bret
Frank de Biasi Interiors LLC/james C
Beardwood & Co. Inc./Michelle Stone,
Laura Pomerantz Real Estate/Laura Po
I. Spiewak & Sons/G. Gang, A. Waldma
Drake Design Associates
Forst Consulting and Architecture PL
Outerpoknt Sportswear, Inc.
Hale Capital Management LP
Roland Nivelas/A. Waldman, G. Gang,
Downtown Records LL/Jones Costello,
Voxy/nora Stats, Tarter Stats O'Tool
Indiegogo Inc./P. Ferrano, D. van de
Raad Studios LLC/ n/a
National Black Leadership Commission
Karl Fischer Architects/Michael Higg
Dalimore & Co./Simone Lillian, Sivin
Tribeca Venture Partners/R. Kornblat
Hipercept/hele Demetrious, NYCRS
Tres Joli Accessories LTD
Myx Beverage/J. Slade, S. Moore, Tar
Martin Brudnizki Design Studio/Simon
Dax Gabler Inc./James Costello, Sinv
BLS International USA LLC/Brett Masi
Counsil for American Culture and Edu
NTL Naigai Trans Line (USA)Inc../C.
Exemplis Corp.
MFM Contracting/Jane Slade, Tarter
Mark S. Golttlieb CPA PC/P. Gordon,
Charlestown Cpaital Advisors LLC
Global Way Accessories, LLC
Raman and Oundjan Engineering & Ins
Martone Agency/Stephan Skorecky AC
Affliction/C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tar
Solid & Striped LLC
Richie Talor, Inc.
Dr. Nicky Bhatia/Brett Maslin, Adams
Benefits Concepts Systems/Represente
East 8th Group LLC/C. O'Toole, J. Mi
Dogs Bollocks/Jane Slade, Tarter Sta
3rd Avenue Fashion Studio,/Brett Mas
Robert Graham/Nora Stats, Tarter Sta
Noreen Seabrook Marketing Inc.
Skift Inc./P. Carrillo, R. Buckley,
Reading Partners/Gregory Gang, Tarte
LAJ Trading LLC/B. Maslin, B. Cohen,
Cubit Corporation / n/a
La Moda/Nora Stats, Tarter Stats O'T
Psycho Bunny/C. O'Toole, J. Mines, T
Joan Boyce/Represented in-house
436 Melbra Inc. / na/
Kyobo Life Insurance Co./Alexander S
22 Print Studio
Pure Element Apparel LLC
Crossover Consulting Group/Rent Masl

Paramount Group
Fisher Brothers
RXR Realty
Google/M. Weir, Tascomic Investment P
n/a - R. Levine G. Kanenetsky B. Sur
SL Green/D. Falk, B. Waterman, P. Shi
Epsilon Interactive/S. Bellwood, J. B
Jack Resnick & Sons /n/a
General Motors Company/I. Desatnick,
n;/a - Robert Steinman, Rudin Mgmt.
Chana LLC
SL Greene/G. Rosen, H. Tenebaum, SL G
P.J. Mechanical Corporation
n/a - Barry Zeller, C&W
TIAA-CREF/Zfreeman, A. Datona, H. Fid
Normandy Real Estate Partners
C.A. White Inc.
n/a/ E. Meyer, M. Meyer, M. Thomas ,
n/a - Jessica Kosaric, Kaufman Leasin
Shusky Properties/Alan Bonett, Adams
Shusky Properties/Alan Bonett, Adams
Keystone Equities/ n/a
Blackstone Group LP/D. Neye, D. Wasse
Blackstone Group LP/D. Neye, D. Wasse
PRD Realty
n/a/ A. Chudnoff, M. Konsker, Jones L
628 Broadway LLC/C. Owles, T. Etienne
n/a - Pamela Title, Murray Hill Prop
n/a -K. Caseley, A. Udis, ABS Partner
Brause Realty/i. Desatnick, F. Doyle,
n/a / M. Leon, Newmark Grubb Knight
Simone Healthcare Development Group
Elevn Fifteen Associates
RFR Realty
Blackstone Group LP/D. Neye, D. Wasse
Cohen Brothers Realty/Represented in-
n/a/ - J. Frederick, P. Occhi, Cassid
n/;a / M. Leon, Newmark Grubb Knight
Jack Resnick & Sons /n/a
n/a - J. Frederick, P,Occhi, Cassidy
Simone Healthcare Development Group
Dezer Properties
Train, Babcock Advisors LLC/J. Heller
Arsenal Company LLC
n/a - S. Galin, P. Newmark, Handler R
302 Fifth LLC/Dan Breima, Olmstead Pr
Deka Immobilen GmbH/B. Winter, B. Kor
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
n/a - C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tarter St
Fisher Brothers
24 West 25 Street Owner/LLC/Paul Kotc
Blackstone Group LP/D. Neye, D. Wasse
Blackstone Group LP/D. Neye, D. Wasse
n/a - C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tarter St
n/a - N. Joffee, A. Steinberg, Newmar
Moinian Group/Represented in-house
Elevn Fifteen Associates
Deka Immobilen GmbH/B. Winter, B. Kor
32 West 39th Street Associates/Michae
6 East 39th St Holdings LLC/Elissa Pa
584 Broadway LLC/Steve Marvin Olmstea
n/a / A. Chudnof, M. Konsker, Jones
n/a - A. Udis, J. Casseley, ABS Part
Daka Immobilien GmbH/B. Winter B. Kor
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
RFR Realty
n/a / C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tarter S
568 Broadway Property LLC/Bonnie Shap
n/a - C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tarter St
Hudson 1928 LLC/ Michelle Stone Sinv
Nur Ashki Jerrahi Community/Steve Rap
Emblem Health
Thor Equties/ n/a
Benjamin Partners LLC/Represented in-
White Star Management Services/Jack
n/a / Joe McLaughlin, Capstone Real
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
n/a / E. Cutle, Newmark Grubb Knight
Kew Management/Simone Lillian, Sivin
RRERF 25th Street LLC/R. Zimbalist, C
AZN Realty/Michael Nahamias, AZN Real
Sherwood 370 Management LLC
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
n/a/ C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tarter S
East Twenty Sixth Associates
n/a - Travis Wilson, Newmark Grubb Kn
n/a/ R. Kramer, K. Kronstadt, Newmar
RFR Realty
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
MTS Real Estate Owner LLC/Chedvah Ra
Pajoet and Other LLC/Justin McCarthy,
n/a /C. O'Toole, J. Miines, Tarter S
231/249 West 39 Street Street Associa
231/249 West 39 Street Street Associa
BLDG/Joseph Mangiacotti, CBRE
Deka Immobilien GmBH/B. Winte, B. Kor
n/a /C. O'tooke, J.Mines, Tarter Stat
n/a / Miyad Realty
n/a /Nora Stats, Tarter Stats O'Toole
East Twenty Sixth Associates
Justin Management/ n/a
n/a / Jeff Niassani, JSN Properties
n/a Darell Handler, Handler Real Esta
Jack Resnick & Sons /n/a
n/a / Nora Stats, Tarter Stats o'Tool
n/a / C. O'Toole, J. Mines, Tarter St
Deka Immobilien GmbH/B. Winter, B. Ko
Jack Resnick & Sons /n/a
Deka Immobilen GmbH/B. Winter, B. Kor
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
Ten West Thirty Third Assoc.
Windsor Management/Matthew Klamie, Wi


Howard of Prudential Douglas Elliman and Moshe Sukenik of Mark Weiss of Ne
Carl Eriksen of CBRE represented the tenant. In-house broker Marc Packman
In-house broker Bill Elder represented the landlord, Ken Rudeman of Studle
The hospital signed a 15-year lease extension for an outpatient center car
The collaborative workspace provider signed a 20-year lease on the entire
The law firm signed a ew, 15-year lease to occupy the building's seventh a
The fashion company signed a sublease and a direct lease with the landlord
The federal agency signed a lease rnewal for office space.
The investment firm subleased the entire 16th floor of the Bostn Propertie
The Japanese advertising and public relations company signed an expansion
Fred Rufano of Kalmon Dolgin Affilaes represented both parties.
In-house broke Tom Lynch represented the landlord. Scott Sloves, Chris Ma
The law firm signed a 10-year lease,
Deborah Van Der Heyden and Sophie Hass of Jones Lang LaSalle represented t
The contractor signed a 15-year lease on the ninth floor.
The financial communications consultancy signed a 10-year lease for the en
Paul Amrich, Neil King and Michael Movshovich of CBRE reprsented the landl
Tara Stacom, Peter Alden and David Green of Cushman & Wakefield represente
Harry Blair, Sean Keams and Myles Fennon of Cushman and Wakefield represen
The cosmetics company signed a lease on the eighth floor.
The tenant signed a 10-year leae on the fourth floor.
The digital video advertising company signed a new, 10 year lease. The re
The creative agency signed a new 11-year lease. The reported asking rent
The bank lease office space.
The commerical mortage RETT signed a lease for the entire fifth floor.
The urgentcare provider signed a lease for the entire 11th floor, which wi
Hector Rodriguez and Elliot Zeinger of Savitt Partners represented the ten
The trade organization signed a lease for part of the 11th floor.
The yogurt company signed a 15 year lease on the 11th floor. The reporte
Arthur Sptalnick and Elliot Warren of the Kaufman Organization represent t
The tenant signed a five-year lease on the third, seventh and penthouse fl
The e-commerce company signed a nine-year lease. The reported asking rent
Brian Waterman and Scott Klau of Newmark Grubb Knight Frank represented th
The media engagement tech company signed a lease for the entire 19th floor
The tenant signed a lease renewal for the entire 58th floor, the New York
Josh Gopan and James MacDonald of Hutchinson Metro Center represented the
James Buslik and Jeff Buslik of Adams & Co. represented both parties
In-house brokers Steve Morrows. A. J. Camhi and Ryan Silver represented t
The hedge fund signed a lease for the entire20th floor. The tenant is rel
The software company signed a new, 10-year lease. The reported asking ren
The hedge fund signed a four year lease on the 15th floor. The tenant is
The fixed-income brokerage and financial advisory firm signed a five-year
The tenant signed a lease renewal.
The hedge fund signed a six-year lease renwal on the 17th floor.
James MacDonald and Josh Gopan of Hutchinson Mero Center represented the l
The broadcast televisin and A/V equipment supplier signed a lease,.
The investment advisor signed a 10-year, seven-month lease for the entire
David Levy of Adams & Co. represented both parties.
The tenant signed a five-year lease for the entire 16th floor.
The Internet company signed a seven-year lease on the fourth floor. The r
The pharmaceutical media services firm signed a five-year lease on part of
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the trnasaction.
The consulting engineering firm signed a new lease.
In-house broker Marc Packman represented the landlord. Andrew Sachs and B
The past-production company signed a 10-year lease on the ninth floor. Th
The hotel company signed a lease for part of the 15th floor.
The hedge fund signed a lease for part of the 16th floor.
The construction insurance brokerage firm signed a new lease.
The media company linked a lease for the entire 17th floor.
The wedding salon signed a new lease for executive offices and private sho
James Buslik of Adams & Co. represented both parties.
The science public ratio talk show signed a seven-year lease for pat of th
The apparel company signed a new, 10 year lease. The reported askng rent
The interior design company signeda 10-year, twomonth lease on the10th flo
The branding firm signed a seven-year lease on the eighth floor. The rpeo
The commercial real estate firm signed a five-year, three-month lease for
The apparel company signed a new office lease.
Stuart Siegel, Matthew Begey and Daniel Bodner of CBRE represented the ten
The achitectural firm signed a 10 year lease for part of the sixth floor.
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the trnasaction.
In-house brokers Steve Morrows. A. J. Camhi and Ryan Silver represented t
The fashion company signed a new long term lease.
The music company signed a five-year, three month lease on the seventh flo
The tech company renewed it lease.
The internet company signed a three-year lease. The reported asking rent
The architectual firm signed a five-year lease on the fourth floor. The
Brian Given of Colliers International represented the sublandlord. Elizab
The architectual firm signed a lease for the entire ninth floor.
The retail real estate consultants signed a five-year lease with a five-ye
The venture capital firm signed a three-year lease on the sixth floor. Th
The technology advisory and consulting firm signed a lease for the entire
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the transaction.
The beverage company signed a new lease.
The design firm signed a three-year lease on the 13th floor. The reported
The fashion firm signed a three-year lease on the sixth floor. The report
The travel company signed a new, five year lease. The reported asking re
The nonprofit signed a new, five year lease. The reported asking rent was
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the transaction.
The shipping company signed a lease renwal.
James Buslik of Adams & Co. represented both parties.
The contractor signed a new lease.
The accounting firm signed a lease for part of the ninth floor.
In-house brokers Steve Morrows. A.J., Camhi and Ryan Silver represented t
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the transaction.
The engineering firm signed a new, five-year lease. The reported aksing r
The public relations firm signed a lease. The reported asking rent was $4
The fashion company signed a lease renwwal and expaneded.
James Buslikand Jeff Buslik of Adams & Co. represented the landlord. Susa
James Buslik and Jeff Buslik of Adams & Co. represented both parties
The medical practice signed a new, 10-year lease. The reported asking ren
The benefits consulting firm signed a one-year lease renewal for part of
The apparel company renewed its lease.
The research and branding firm signed a new lease.
The fashion company signed a new , five-year lease. The reported asking r
The apparel company signed an expansion lease.
james Buslik of Adams & Co. represented both parties.
The travel media and data company signed a lease.
The nonprofit signed a three-year sublease.
The tenant signed a new lease. The reported asking rent was $45 per squar
The military defense equipment company signed a lease renewal.
The tenant signed a new office lease.
The apparel company signed a new lease.
The jeweler signed a three-year lease renewal on the fourth floor.
The tenant signed an office lease.
The life insurance company signed a three-year lease for part of the fifth
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the transaction.
David Levy of Adams & Co. brokered the transation.
The consulting firm signed a new lease. The reported asking rent was $48

As a full service real estate company, we will guide you through the entire process, beginning with identifying your location, size requirements, and the initial search, through final lease negotiations, architectural planning, and finalizing your relocation. Call us or contact us via website form:

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