Green Office Building
Five Ways to Create: A Environmentally
Friendly “Green” Office Building
- Brandon Sternberg
The awareness of global warming and the consumption of foreign oil has shifted consumer culture to become more “Green”. It is becoming more popular for a tenant to look for an office that has environmental friendly accommodations. Provided below are five features that contribute to an environmental conscious building.
Use Greywater:
One way to reduce costs while preserving our planet’s resources
is by adapting systems that use greywater. Greywater is wastewater that
your non-industrial appliances (i.e. dishwater, laundry machines, sinks,
bathtubs, etc.) produce. Greywater constitutes 60% of wastewater, thus
a significant amount of water is ultimately “wasted” and
combined with the sewer water. Offices have started adapting to systems
that allow for the recycling of greywater and allow the water to be
reused. Greywater can be directly recycled into an office and be used
for bathroom amenities, the watering of gardens, and/or other non consumption
Combined Heat and Power Systems:
Working in an office that has a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) system
can reduce the carbon emissions emitted by heat producing devices. In
a typical power plant, the heat when producing electricity is emitted
into the environment thus is wasting a by-product that can be used.
A CHP system creates electricity and stores the heat that is typically
lost. The stored heat can be used to heat water or heat a building.
This reduces the extra energy that is need to heat various components
of an office. CHP plants are typically found in cities with a high demand
for energy. Hospitals and typically have a CHP system, although it is
becoming more popular in office buildings. In 2008, the 55-story, One
Bryant Park installed a CHP system. The system will meet seventy percent
of the buildings energy consumption while storing the steam lost to
heat its natural-gas turbines. The steam is then used to heat the building
and the domestic water supply (Business Source Complete, 2008).
It was reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce that in 2004, 1.9
million or 55% of New York City’s population commutes to work
using public transportation (U.S Census Bureau, 2004). In addition,
approximately 82% of Manhattan’s population commutes to work by
public transportation, bike, and or walk (E Magazine, 2006). To preserve
our planet it important to reduce the number of people using cars and
other greenhouse-gas producing vehicles to commute to work. By locating
your office in an area in Manhattan that is easily accessible by public
transportation, it can help reduce the array of greenhouse gasses.
Wind Turbines:
Small energy saving turbines are becoming increasingly popular among
larger commercial buildings. Wind turbines enable the transformation
of the kenotic energy in wind, into mechanical energy that can be used
for various uses. Recently it was announced that the Sears Tower will
install wind turbines on the roof to reduce energy consumption. This
is a step to reduce the buildings energy use by 80 percent (CNBC, 2009).
In addition the construction of the Freedom Tower is expected to have
a wind turbine to reduce energy consumption. It is reported that buildings
contribute most of the world’s green-house emissions. By reducing
the consumption of energy and increasing the use of alternative energy,
the aim is to reduce green-house emissions.
Energy Efficient Windows:
By installing energy efficient windows, a building can reduce its air
conditioning expenses and its lighting expenses. The technology in windows
today allows 100% of the light to transfer through a window and reduce
the amount of heat entering the window. This allows the office to become
naturally lit while reducing the heat that is emitted. The heat that
is loss does not require the office air conditioner to be turned on
to cool the room. Energy efficient windows are becoming standard on
new high-rise buildings, and are contributing to the reduction in green-house
When looking for “Green” office, ask your real estate broker
for a building that has any of energy saving accommodations.
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