Commercial Real Estate Search & Lease Process
Search & Lease Process
Prime Manhattan Realty recognizes that the first requirement before beginning the commercial real estate lease process is to develop a thorough understanding of your company's needs. The second is to be thoroughly acquainted with the market. Our day-to-day involvement with the New York real estate market affords us not only advance information on properties becoming available, but also an inside look at the specific advantages each property has to offer in terms of satisfying your needs.
Our tenant brokers spend many hours in the field, surveying market conditions
and evaluating specific trends. In addition to our hands-on knowledge,
we are a fully computerized and digitized real estate broker, offering
state of-the-art information gathering, comparative analysis, feasibility
studies, etc. This information is all critical to the success of your
relocation. Throughout the entire commercial real estate lease process,
our brokers make sure that you understand every step along the way.
As a commercial enterprise, it is inevitable that you will be conducting
a new property search at some point in the future. When you choose Prime
Manhattan Realty to be your commercial real estate broker, you can be
absolutely certain that your New York property search will proceed in
the most efficient and effective manner possible. Our dedication and
years of experience make us the best tenant broker you’ll find.
The commercial real estate lease process is not simple and is rarely
short. It begins with ascertaining tenant needs and surveying the market,
continues with a closer look at selected properties, and ends with selection
of a space, negotiation of lease terms and the signing of the lease.
Your Prime Manhattan Realty Tenant Broker is your expert on all processes
involved in securing a great new home for your business, and will provide
excellent guidance throughout.