Ten Ways to Boost Your Retail Foot Traffic
- Peng Mo
In a competitive economy, you must find out innovative ways to entice customers. Using methods that will increase food traffic, not only for your store but for the entire shopping center, will boost your own sales. Following strategies could increase foot traffic and bring you business success:
1. Add entertainment
Stores and shopping centers should use entertainment to stay competitive and attract shoppers in the increasingly ‘experimental’ economy. It is necessary to incorporate some form of entertainment into their facilities. Many shopping centers are devoting over 40 percent of their gross leasable area (GSA) to entertainment. Lifestyle centers and other forms of open air centers are incorporating entertainment, as well as a heavy dose of dining, to make their shopping centers recreational shopping destinations and to increase the frequency of vistors to retails.
2. Plan on holding other promotional events
Although your business has been up and running for a short period, it doesn't preclude celebrations that attract foot traffic. Any promotional event that draws attention can be effective. Look into an in-store raffle or giveaway, and advertise the event as widely as your budget will allow.If yours is a business that can somehow connect with a local celebrity, such as an author or a sports figure, having him or her on the premises can bring in clientele. You must make it sufficiently fresh and appealing. "Promotional events have to be really exciting and different; otherwise, people just won't come," says Rick Segal, author of "The Retail Business Kit for Dummies."
3. Make your business newsworthy
Foot traffic on the day of an event is one thing. It's important to leverage media whenever possible. For instance, donating a portion of the day's take to charity can win a flattering article in your local newspaper. Taking a completely different tack, investigate whether a radio station would be willing to broadcast live on the day of your promotional event. The key is to grab the attention of customers who can't make it in at that particular time. That drives foot traffic in the future. "The more creative the event, the more likely that a newspaper will write about it," Segal says. "And that makes it all the more likely that customers will read about it and come check it out."
4. Promote mall walking programs
Convincing your owner to host a mall walker program can provide free publicity and exposure for the store. Depending on the location, during the winter and early spring season, people may prefer indoor exercise. Promoting a mall walker program can literally increase foot traffic near your store. Mall walker programs are an excellent way to market your store and have a positive impact. Centers often encourage mall walker programs by helping to organize clubs, offering discounts, and providing health checkups onsite.
5. Use technology to attract customers
You can use web sites and high tech displays to draw in customers. Innovative programs, such as the web-based ‘Momtopia’, allow retailders to communicate with consumers, giving them advance notice of promotions or family based store events. Using custom-made, high definition digital advertising in your store or store window can also increase the impact of your advertising. It’s a vehicel for retailers in a mall to be included in the shopping center’s digital advertising to promote their special or promotion at no charge.
6. Encourage interior landscaping in your store’s center
No matter how well-planned your store’s appearance is, foot traffic will dwindle if the overall center is not aesthetically welcoming. Most shopping center owners and managers know the value of landsacping the outside of their centers. Buth many of them don’t know that landscaping the interior of their centers is just as valuable- if not more so. After all, shoppers and tenants merely pass by exterior landscaping when they enter and exit the center, but they can spend hours surrounded by the interior landscaping. Interior landscaping can distinguish your store from the competition in another center, enhancing the shopping experience for customers.
7. Have a sale
Less expensive goods in a limited period is always unresistable lure for customers. And, while the idea of a sale may seem a bit blasé to some, technological advances have made sales events more potent than ever before. For example, if you maintain a database of customers, contact them via an e-mail newsletter to let them know of upcoming sales events and other promotions. To further boost foot traffic, urge them to pass along your e-mail to others. That's not only effective but exceedingly cost efficient, as you're not dropping money on mass mailings that only saturates the uninterested. "Offers that come with a sense of urgency are always effective to get customers to come to stores," says Irene Dickey of the University of Dayton's School of Business Administration.
8. Hold the owner responsible for adequate security
Consumer will frequently visit your store only if they feel safe. One way to ensure effective security is to suggest to your owner that it set up a rent- free police field oficce at the center. The police office will reduce the crime and increase consumer confidence.
9. Host a seminar or workshop
Boosting foot traffic doesn't even have to involve a direct effort to sell a product or service. These days, education is very important and value-added, as consumers want to know how to get the most out of what they buy. And that makes in-house seminars and workshops powerful weapons to build foot traffic. To illustrate: If you own an financial service firm, offer free tax-cutting workshops. Sporting goods stores can consider a variety of events, from strength training clinics to nutrition seminars. Please remember to publicize it to the public. "Promote the event via in-store signage, fliers, ads and press releases," says Segal. "Home Depot does it and so does Williams-Sonoma. And look at how successful they are."
10. Follow up with your contacts
Even the best-planned promotional event is of little importance if you fail to leverage the initial contact. Keep encouraging foot traffic by staying in touch with customers by different ways. Let them know about events that may otherwise attract little attention. Encourage them to pass along the news with friends and neighbors, and offer them some discounts. "A great event is only half the battle," Smith says. "If you want consistent foot traffic, you have to follow up. Send them offers, special announcements or anything you can think of to get them into your store."
11. Strengthen customer service - BONUS TIP
One advantage that a tangible store has over mail-order and Internet
competitors is a personal relationship with customers. Special events
can be terrific in building foot traffic, but what keeps customers coming
back- and spreading the good word as they do - is the product knowledge
and enthusiasm that can only be conveyed face to face. Things may be
cheaper on the Web or via the post office, but getting to know your
customers and what they value can trump those handicaps. And, in turn,
you can build a steady stream of foot traffic for the long haul.
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